We Are So Excited To Host Your Child And Welcome You To The Off To The Farmhouse Family!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Which charter schools are you vendors for? We are currently vendors for SunCoast Academy, Pacific Coast Academy, Cabrillo Point, and Mission Vista only. We also provide receipts for reimbursement for Elite Academy, Coastal and Classical Academies for our in-person classes. Our team is LIVE SCANNED through the DOJ and FBI for us to participate with these charter services.
How do I use my charter school funds for your classes? Each school has their own ordering procedure so if you aren't familiar with it, please contact your educational specialist/teacher to help walk you through it. Once you place your order request, please text which secures your spot in the class. When applicable, our field trip kits need to be placed as a PRODUCT order.
Can I pay out of pocket for the classes? Yes! We accept cash, check, and Venmo for class payment before the month begins.
Does my child have to be homeschooled in order to do your classes? No, any child can attend our classes! It's based on your determination of their schedule.
What is your refund/cancellation policy? We understand that things happen in life and sometimes plans change. Unfortunately we can not give refunds if your child gets sick or is on vacation, because we hire staff and secure activity supplies well before the day of the event. So so much goes into our planning!If a student needs to discontinue classes that are being paid for on a monthly basis and the child stops before the end of the period, no refund will be given for the remainder of the month. Funds are not returned if the charter institution abruptly halts our classes. We don't have 'sick day' make up classes or refunds. You 'own' your place here until your student stops attending. If you give up your monthly place, we go to the next person on the waitlist in that age category.
My child has a runny nose, probably resulting from allergies. May I bring him/her? No. If your child has any sign of mucous discharge or any fever even within the last 24 hours, it is possible he or she may be sick, so for the sake of everyone else, your own child’s quick recovery, and our current climate, please enjoy a sick day at home with your child. Snuggle with them on the couch and read all day! Or go out in the sunshine on a picnic blanket. Best day. We will text you if they need to be picked up early because they are not feeling well. No masks are required once inside the gates, unless YOU require one for your child. We can’t be responsible for he/she keeping it on. Some may wear masks but it's up to you! All about respecting choice. No judgement. Thank you.
What happens if I am late picking up my child? Please just text if you are running late. It happens. We're not jerks about it. Bottom line: we need our time after class to re-set and prep for the following weeks. We will charge $15 per hour or partial hour for any time we have your child after ten minutes late. (We've never done this...it just sounds good, but truly, when they stay behind for an unexpected reason, we put them to work to help us reset. No idle hands!)
If I am late dropping off my child, may I have the hours pro-rated and reduced accordingly? At this time, we don't have the man power to maintain complicated accounting in this simply run business. If you are late dropping off, it is NO problem, just let us know and expect to pay the regular amount.
Group dynamics: Often times a child has an ‘adjustment’ period when added to a new group situation and we expect a measure of that...if after several weeks they are still struggling to engage/participate/cooperate and it becomes disruptive to the whole group, we may determine that the timing for their continued participation needs to be revisited. We make every effort to help them choose wisely, yet if it’s an ongoing difficulty, regretfully, we just don’t have the resources to have a one-to-one ratio to help that struggling child even though we sincerely believe that every child can thrive...gaining inter-dependence skills at farm events just may not be the best place to start. There is so much to glean in this outdoor resource and we would rather not use our time working with a child who doesn’t truly want to be here, happily. I have ideas to help them though: ask me! Also, come to Mommy & Me events and practice WITH them. We’ve seen that work exceptionally well!
Consider our ‘wish list’ of items: Our wish list is always being formulated. We up-cycle a lot of raw materials and are always on the look out to add to our basics. If you don’t mind, we’ll send you a wish list from time to time for things like aluminum pie tins, citrus like lemons and oranges, stick ponies, poms-poms, beer-type bottle caps, corks, ping pong balls, screwdrivers and hammers and sandpaper, Amazon gift cards, clear glass canning jars, glass yogurt cups, outgrown rain boots or crocs to recycle to others, paint brushes, flowers to dry out, heavy 110# watercolor paper, wooden/glass or any cool beads, clay potting pots, Deer Springs Feed OR Hawthorne Feed gift cards, thieves & lavender & peppermint & tea tree & frankincense & ylang ylang essential oils, wet clay block, Michael’s gift cards, etc.
We have also had amazing mommas help us acquire donated supplies from the Buy Nothing Facebook groups...so so grateful for these pick ups. From time to time, we could use carpentry skills to enhance our creative play here. If you have any other special skills, please let us know. All that said, we NEVER want to impose on our parents! We NEVER want to give you more ‘stuff to do’; one of the reasons we exist is to be a help to YOU in engaging and training your children. Every parent needs a break from children to be a better parent!!!
We have wonderful facilitators...people who understand how to genuinely engage and empower a child and bring the best out of them! Our highest compliment and greatest form of marketing is you spreading the word to others who may value what we are doing. We're grateful to our grassroots community this past going on nine years! Amazingly, and truly community built...thank you for trusting us to serve well.