Located in the suburban area of San Marcos, CA, Off To The Farmhouse property is home to chickens who lay multiple colors of fresh eggs, Nigerian Dwarf goats, a new little piglet soon to arrive, our lovely cuddly Rex bunny Mocha Latay, & some of the most creative crafts and projects designed to engage a child's mind & help them learn through hands-on lessons. So much beauty and goodness in the outdoor learning environment! Content, combined within a safe environment to build character and social skills among peers and adults. How does a child's educational life get any better?
As a domestic engineer, wife of 37 years, mother of four & now grandmother to six grandchildren, Angela, through her own wins and failures, earnestly applies what it takes to invest in the next generation. She's been teaching a very long time! Bringing her unique and empowering approach to the child, combined with winsome ways & a heart for kiddos and their parents, Angela leads the effort to supervise and guide the child's experience at each farm event and in personal coaching to some of the parents.